HolyCoast: February7.org
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Thursday, January 31, 2008


Some Republican activists have created February7.org to battle against Clinton or Barack. Here's the description from Facebook:
Today, Rightroots launched www.February7.org, or F7: One Day to Stop Hillary (and Obama), a grassroots campaign to mobilize thousands of Republican donors to contribute to the new Republican nominee on Thursday, February 7, 2008.

Why are we doing this? Our main candidates have spent everything to win Florida, and reportedly do not have the resources to compete nationwide on February 5th, much less begin to take on Hillary or Obama who enjoy a massive financial advantage.

Our goal is to concentrate fundraising on one day to give our nominee a needed boost to start the general election campaign. Check it out, sign the pledge, and tell your friends:

I've already made my opposition to John McCain pretty clear. I will not contribute a dime to McCain, and frankly, Romney doesn't need my money. I don't think I'll be participating.

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