HolyCoast: Floridians - Stop McCain, Vote Romney
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Monday, January 28, 2008

Floridians - Stop McCain, Vote Romney

It really pains me to say this, but I'm urging Florida Republicans to vote for Mitt Romney in Tuesday's primary. I would much rather see Rudy Giuliani win and become the eventual nominee, but it's becoming increasingly apparent that Rudy's one-state strategy was badly flawed and his candidacy is probably soon to come to a close. By splitting the conservative vote between Rudy and Romney the stage becomes set for a McCain win. It's not worth it to risk having McCain as the GOP nominee.

Do you need another reason to avoid McCain? How about this from John Fund:

Mr. McCain has told conservatives he would be happy to appoint the likes of Chief Justice John Roberts to the Supreme Court. But he indicated he might draw the line on a Samuel Alito, because "he wore his conservatism on his sleeve."

Therein lies the problem that many conservatives have with John McCain. It is the nagging feeling that after all of his years of chummily bonding with liberal reporters and garnering favorable media coverage from them that the Arizona senator is embarrassed to be seen as too much of a conservative.

Californians and other Super Tuesday voters - better be prepared to do the same.

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