HolyCoast: He's Fast in His Boxers, Too
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Thursday, January 17, 2008

He's Fast in His Boxers, Too

2007 Indy 500 winner Dario Franchitti is pretty fast behind the wheel of his race car. As it turns out, he's pretty fast on his feet too:
"I was just sitting in the kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal in my boxer shorts," Franchitti said. "I looked up and some guy is standing in front of me. He just walked in the house.

"I really don't think I was the one he was looking for, but the guy quickly turned around and ran out of the house. He got in his car and sped off. So what did I do? I got in my car and chased him."

But Franchitti forgot one important thing in his quest to catch the intruder.

"The police caught up [to] the guy before I did," Franchitti said. "And apparently some people in the Nashville media also heard on the [police scanner] about it, so they were there, too. They came up to talk to me about the time I realized I was still in my boxer shorts. I had to stay in the car the whole time."

I wonder if he has a sponsor name and logo on his boxers?

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