HolyCoast: Hillary's Radical Teacher
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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hillary's Radical Teacher

I've long said that nothing happens in the Clinton campaign by accident, and recently what's been happening is a race war between Hillary and Barack Obama. This article at The American Thinker explains where Hillary got her education in power-grabbing and why this race war is being done purposely:
Obama was up; now he's down. Even though Obama seems to be harnessing the South Carolina black vote that will give him that state's delegates, he has been feeling the brunt of the Clintons' mastery of the tactic of polarization, taught decades ago to Hillary by Saul Alinsky.

Obama is being forced into the position of being the black candidate. Successfully polarizing Obama, who has attempted to run as the anti-polarity uniter, a man in the middle, has not been a lazy-day walk in the park for the Clintons, and surely would not have been attempted if Obama hadn't trounced them in Iowa.
Alinsky's 13th rule for radicals

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Saul Alinsky taught his eager disciples that the establishment despised conflict. He blamed this perverse malady upon the dual forces of organized religion ( those turn-the-other-cheek folks) and the Madison Avenue advertising culture, which he said "emphasizes getting along with people and avoiding friction." Alinsky deemed avoidance of conflict as not only disgusting, but contrary to the betterment of a "free and open society."

The polarization of American politics that has occurred since the Clintons first forayed onto the national scene has been notable. Stirring the pot of constant agitation has been the Clintons' signature political accomplishment.
Read the whole thing. It definitely explains the Clinton tactics.

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