HolyCoast: Hollywood and Whine - The Dem Debate
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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hollywood and Whine - The Dem Debate

Jim Geraghty has some suggestions of what to call tonight's Dem debate at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood:
The Kombat at the Kodak, the Fray in L.A., the Clash in California, the Mother of All Battles. Godzilla vs. Mothra
I prefer Hollywood and Whine* since pretty much all we'll hear is how bad America is and how bad Bush is, etc. and what a doofushead the other candidate is. If Hillary has anything left in her opposition research file on Obama, it's coming out tonight. She needs to score a decisive victory without coming off as a total shrew. That won't be easy for her.

Obama needs to look like he's tough enough to take her abuse and give it right back without looking like he's "pickin' on the girl". That's the trouble with identity politics - if you have two white guys like last night's GOP debate nobody draws inferences from how they talk to each other or their particular body language.

I'm already working on names for the general election debates. Maybe you can figure out the candidates:

The Cranky Old Man vs The Bronze Adonis

Grampa vs Crazy Aunt Bethany

The Recent Conservative vs The Life Long Liberal

The Mormon vs The Halfrican

The Codger vs The Dodger

Feel free to add your own.
*For out-of-towners Hollywood and Whine is a takeoff on Hollywood and Vine.

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