HolyCoast: How to Respond When the Government Calls
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Monday, January 14, 2008

How to Respond When the Government Calls

There is an ongoing case Canada involving their "Human Rights Commission" and a magazine which published the famous Danish Mohammed cartoons of blasphemy. In Canada you no longer have the right to publish freely if such publishing could cause offense to someone's religion, and the publisher of the magazine. Ezra Levant, is fighting back. The background on the story is here. If you're not familiar with the case, read it before you watch the video.

The interrogation by the Human Rights Commissioner has been videotaped (something which she will undoubtedly regret) and her attempt to find out why the cartoons were published and the publisher's response is classic (h/t James Lileks):

Remember things like this when you hear stories about the State wanting to control your thermostat, or when you hear calls for new hate crimes legislation.

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