HolyCoast: Iranians Nearly Meet Their Virgins
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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Iranians Nearly Meet Their Virgins

How did this happen without it resulting in a bunch of dust and red mist?

A Pentagon spokesman revealed that five Iranian Revolutionary Guard Navy boats harrassed and provoked three US ships in the narrow waterway at the mouth of the Persian Gulf at the weekend.

The Iranian craft came within 200 yards of the US vessels, which were sailing in international waters.

The Iranian provocations included disregarding warnings to pull back, dropping mysterious objects in the path of the US ships and a hostile radio transmission.

The Pentagon said a radio message warned: "I am coming at you. You will explode in a couple of minutes."

I think someone is going to lose their command when this incident after-action report is completed. There's no way we should have allowed these kinds of actions so near to our naval forces. Let's not forget that it was Iranian boats like this that took a bunch of British sailors hostage and embarrassed their country.

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