HolyCoast: John Kerry to Endorse Barack Obama
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Thursday, January 10, 2008

John Kerry to Endorse Barack Obama

Failed democrat presidential candidates have a habit of ignoring their former running mates. Al Gore didn't show any love to Joe Lieberman when he ran for president, and now John Kerry is bypassing the man who was good enough to be his vice president, John Edwards, and is endorsing Barack Obama for president:
MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. — Barack Obama is being endorsed by 2004 Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry, FOX News has confirmed.

Kerry, a senator from Massachusetts, plans to announce his support Thursday at a rally at the College of Charleston, said a Democrat familiar with Kerry’s decision. Kerry will argue that Obama can best unite the country as the next president and has the potential to create transformational change, The Associated Press reported.

The real question is, was Kerry against Obama before he was for him?

What effect will this have? Zip. Zero. Nada.

UPDATE: Leave is to Scrappleface to put this in the proper context:
(2008-01-10) — Sen. Barack Obama today declined the endorsement of Sen. John Kerry, saying his presidential campaign is about “hope and change”, and he doesn’t want to “send mixed messages.”

Sticking with his new stump speech refrain, Sen. Obama said, “They told us you can’t run a presidential campaign without kissing up to every Democrat who ever rode this donkey to defeat. But I say, yes…yes we can.”

“They told us you can’t diss a former presidential candidate who’s a professional Vietnam war veteran,” he added, “But I say yes…yes we can.”

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