HolyCoast: Kucinich Throws Support to Obama
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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Kucinich Throws Support to Obama

Part of the caucus process in Iowa is not only picking your first choice candidate, but picking a second choice if there's not enough support for your first pick. Dennis "Spaceman" Kucinich has asked his supporters to give their second choice to Barack Obama:
DES MOINES, Iowa (CNN) — Dennis Kucinich urged supporters Tuesday to make Barack Obama their second choice in the Iowa caucuses, an unexpected boost in the closing days of this wide open race for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Kucinich told backers to vote for him on the first ballot Thursday, but instructed them to support Obama if he did not reach the 15 percent threshold needed to be viable in the caucuses.

Both Kucinich supporters said okay.

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