HolyCoast: McCain and Clinton Are Close (That's Supposed to be Good News??)
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Saturday, January 26, 2008

McCain and Clinton Are Close (That's Supposed to be Good News??)

From the Department of Completely Unbelievable Headlines:

Bill Clinton: McCain And Hillary Are 'Very Close'...

Race 'would be the most civilized election in American history'...

First the NY Times endorses him, and then Bill Clinton pays him this "compliment". It's almost as though they're both trying to sabotage his campaign.
His mom, however, seems to have a better grasp of his standing in the Republican party than he does:
And John McCain's mom is not too happy with the support her son is getting from the Republican Party base.

In fact — she says — "I don't think he has any... I've not seen any help whatsoever." Roberta McCain said in an interview on C-SPAN that she does nevertheless believe her son will get the nomination — but — "I think holding their nose they're going to have to take him."

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