HolyCoast: Putting Your Crimes on the Internet For All to See
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Putting Your Crimes on the Internet For All to See

Apparently possession of a video camera lowers your IQ by many, many points:
NEWPORT BEACH – Two 14-year-old girls who attend Newport Harbor High School were arrested after investigators say they attacked an Ensign Intermediate girl and posted a video of the beating on MySpace.com, authorities said. ...

Sgt. Evan Sailor of the Newport Beach police department said the video, which was taken off the site by the MySpace user, consists of three clips totaling seven minutes.

The video, posted last week on the social networking site, shows two girls physically attacking another. The victim suffered brusies, scrapes, cuts and abrasions but did not require hospitalization, Sailor said.

"It's more the emotional scars,'' Sailor said.

Just how stupid are these girls? Let us count the ways:
  1. They chose to commit a felony assault.
  2. They chose to videotape their felony assault.
  3. They chose to post the video of their felony assault on the internet where EVERYBODY IN THE WHOLE FREAKIN' WORLD can see it.

The only thing missing would have been Step 4 in which they drive themselves to the police department and turn themselves in. Hopefully they would videotape that as well.

What knuckleheads.

UPDATE: In a related story, a gang-banger puts a video on YouTube taunting the local cops. That won't work out well for him.

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