HolyCoast: A Quick Update from Texas
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Saturday, January 05, 2008

A Quick Update from Texas

Another great night here in the Coastal Bend area of Texas. The house was full with about 1,200 people and our stand went very well. The people here are always very good to us, which is why we've come back here 10 years in a row.

I missed the battle of New Hampshire which occured during the Dem debate, but it sounds like the Hillary Clinton which reminds every man of his first three ex-wives....combined...came out tonight based on this eyewitness report:
It won't come across on the transcript, but Sen. Hillary Clinton got angry during the debate tonight.

She was bickering with Sen. Barack Obama about their differences on health insurance, and whether Obama's plan leaves millions of Americans uninsured.

And then she … well … she got angry.

Frankly, I don't even really understand what she was saying. What I was getting was how angry she is. Not about an issue, so much, as about the fact that Obama is beating her.

The clip, I predict, will be played again and again and again.

Pundits will say that her tone made male voters recoil. And led some female voters to sneer.

Clinton people are spinning this as her projecting strength. I do not think that will be the widely-head view.

HERE's THE VIDEO LINK, already posted by Clinton enemies and the debate isn't even over yet.

Tell me what you think.

It ain't over until the cranky lady explodes. Watch her numbers completely collapse.

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