HolyCoast: Rudy Calls It Quits
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Rudy Calls It Quits

Rudy Giuliani's one state strategy didn't pay off:

Giuliani ran third, his best showing of the campaign but not nearly good enough for the one-time front-runner who decided to make his last stand in a state that is home to tens of thousands of transplanted New Yorkers.

In remarks to supporters in Orlando, the former New York mayor referred to his candidacy repeatedly in the past tense—as though it were over. "We'll stay involved and together we'll make sure that we'll do everything we can to hand our nation off to the next generation better than it was before," he said.

Well, that's the second candidate I supported who has been shot out of the race. Just think back a few months ago when Rudy was almost unstoppable, Fred Thompson promised to jump in and steal it from everybody, and John McCain was toast. Boy, did something go badly wrong.

And as Mitt Romney's wallet is discovering, money isn't everything in politics. Hugh Hewitt's going to have to work on a new book. Instead of "A Mormon in the White House", he better start writing "A RINO in the White House", or more likely "A Democrat in the White House".

The smart money is on Rudy endorsing John McCain, and on McCain winning the whole thing. That, of course, means that for the first time since I've been old enough to vote I won't be casting a ballot in the presidential race. I cannot support John McCain after all the various ways he's tried to stick it to conservatives.

You may be saying "well, how can you call yourself a good Republican if you won't support the party's nominee?" My answer is simple - I'm not a good Republican, I'm a good conservative. I stopped giving money to the Republicans when they forgot their conservative base and started acting like Democrats. When they start acting like conservatives, I'll start giving again.

And if you think my not voting for McCain will help throw the election to Clinton or Obama, fear not. I vote in California and there's no way McCain will win here, with or without me. I guarantee you he'll lose by more than one vote.

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