HolyCoast: Suddenly the Ice Queen Has Feelings
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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Suddenly the Ice Queen Has Feelings

It's pretty clear that "emotion" and "feelings" focus-grouped pretty well because all the sudden Hillary Clinton is bubbling over with them:
RENO, NEV. — Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton on Saturday faulted chief rival Barack Obama’s campaign for twisting her comments about slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.

Clinton was questioned by reporters about South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn’s reaction to her comments last week that seemed to suggest that President Lyndon B. Johnson should get more credit for passage of major civil rights legislation rather than King.

Clyburn, in an interview in The New York Times, had expressed disappointment in the Clinton campaign over what she had said as well as former President Clinton’s remark in New Hampshire about Obama telling a “fairy tale” in his opposition to the Iraq war.

“I regret the way that this matter has been used,” Clinton told reporters. “The comments about it are baseless and divisive. I was personally offended at the approach taken that was not only misleading but unnecessarily hurtful.”

You may recall that in the final New Hampshire debate Hillary mentioned how one question had "hurt her feelings". You're never supposed to make the girl cry, so now they're playing the whole "feelings" thing up as big as they can to gain Hillary some sympathy.

The criticism she and Bill has gotten in the past couple of days over the Obama remarks have clearly hurt her campaign and damage control us underway big time.

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