HolyCoast: High Speed Car Versus Low Speed Tree
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Monday, January 28, 2008

High Speed Car Versus Low Speed Tree

I almost have a regular feature here in the last couple of years reporting on high speed accidents involving teen drivers. I figure the more people hear about these things the more likely they are to warn their own kids about the dangers. Here is the latest:

GARDEN GROVE – Two sisters returning home from a local nightclub died late Saturday night after the car they were in struck a tree, folded around it and crushed them inside, police reported.

The girls' 19-year-old cousin, who was the front passenger, survived the crash and is recovering from major injuries, Garden Grove Traffic Investigator Chris Wasinger said. She is expected to survive.

The trio had been partying at a local underage nightclub before the crash, Wasinger said. Investigators said they discovered a half tank of nitrous oxide, an anesthetic, in the vehicle, Sgt. Mark Bryne said. It's unclear why the tank was there. A bag of balloons was also found in the car, Byrne said.

Witnesses told police the driver lost control of the crash at a high rate of speed and struck the east curb line of Euclid Street, just north of Acacia Parkway and crashed into a tree, Wasinger said.

Police responded to the crash site after dispatchers got a call about a solo crash about four minutes after midnight. The impact of the crash nearly cut the vehicle in half, Wasinger said. Officials believe Blanca Lopez, 19, was speeding at the time of the crash, he said. Lopez died at the scene.

Her 17-year-old sister, whose name was not released, died at UCI Medical Center after suffering major internal injuries and broken bones. The teen was found pinned against the rear floor area and the right side of the vehicle by the tree, Wasinger said.

When the vehicle hit the tree, the car's dash was torn and the floorboard ripped open, police said. The girls' cousin, Martha Ochoa, came into contact with the engine, suffering burns and major internal injuries, Wasinger said.

I saw TV pictures of the car. The tree nearly made it all the way to the back seat. That car was really moving.

The presence of a nitrous oxide bottle and balloons suggests the driver was possibly impaired, though nitrous is also used to boost engine performance.

And one more thing. According to the comments on the Orange County Register's site the 17 & 19 year olds left behind 3 children. Teenage mothers with three children out clubbing and possibly using intoxicating substances. I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

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