HolyCoast: Trip Update
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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Trip Update

So far, so good.  The forecast called for rain and 48 degrees in Rohnert Park today, and instead we had temps in the mid-60's and not a drop of rain until a sprinkle at about 7:30 pm.  The ride north was clear and dry, though we saw lots of snow going over the Grapevine.

There was also a little ice up there.  I felt the truck get a little wiggly at one point, and then about a half mile ahead we came upon a 6 car wreck.  As I was slowing down for the wreck I could feel the truck slipping a little.  That one patch was pretty icy.

Tomorrow we slog our way back south down the 101 in what looks like it will be rain all the way.  Oh joy.

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