HolyCoast: What Do You Fear More, A Terrorist Attack or a Democrat President?
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Monday, January 14, 2008

What Do You Fear More, A Terrorist Attack or a Democrat President?

To a group of financial planners who were asked what they feared most, they chose a Democrat president (h/t Captain Ed):

Nothing worries financial advisers more than the prospect of a Democrat's being elected president in November, according to a quarterly poll by Brinker Capital Inc.

The fourth-quarter edition of the Brinker Barometer, which polled 236 advisers in December, found that 22% indicated that a "Democrat in the White House" worried them more than all other economic or geopolitical concerns.

Rounding out the list of concerns was "global unrest" (15%), "U.S. economic growth" (15%), "a terrorist attack" (13%) and "a recession" (13%).

I think a John McCain presidency would rate pretty high too.

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