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Wednesday, February 13, 2008


That's Hillary Clinton's primary/caucus record since last Saturday. The fallout continues:

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Hillary Clinton's deputy campaign manager has resigned, her campaign confirmed Tuesday night as the New York senator faced another round of disappointing primary results.

Mike Henry is the second senior staff-level departure from the Clinton team in the past three days. He was hired by Patti Solis Doyle — Clinton's former campaign manager — whose resignation was revealed Sunday.

"As someone who has managed campaigns, I share the unique understanding of the challenges that the campaign will face over the next several weeks," Henry said in a Tuesday e-mail to Clinton staffers.

"Our campaign needs to move quickly to build a new leadership team, support them and their decisions and make the necessary adjustments to achieve the winning outcome for which we have all worked so hard for over a year now."

Hillary is soon to be 0-10 after she loses Wisconsin and Hawaii this next week. She then will have to wait until March 4th to try and win in Texas and Ohio....if she's still in the race by then. I'm beginning to wonder whether she will be.

UPDATE: From the exit polls of the Potomac primaries (h/t Drudge):
In the Chesapeake Rout, according to exit polls in Maryland, Obama won:
Latino Voters By Six Points: 53-47
All Religions (Including Catholics)
All Age Groups (Including Seniors)
All Regions
All Education Levels

The fat lady's done warming up. She's belting out the closing aria now. As I said previously, Obama has started the general election campaign.

UPDATE: Mark Daniels has some thoughts on why Hillary will lose. I agree with his analysis of her speaking style compared to Obama's. Obama can say nothing better than most politicians these days, and soaring rhetoric is going to beat dry wonkishness just about every time, especially when dealing with a party whose voters run on emotion.

UPDATE 2: Karl Rove on FoxNews says the Clinton campaign is collapsing:

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