HolyCoast: British Monk Becomes One With the Earth
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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

British Monk Becomes One With the Earth

I'm not sure if this would be considered achieving Nirvana:
LONDON — A British coroner has ruled that a monk who was run over by a ride-on lawnmower at a Buddhist temple was killed accidentally.

A witness described seeing 50-year-old monk Seiji Handa chasing after the runaway mower in the grounds of the Peace Pagoda temple in the English town of Milton Keynes, and said he slipped and was dragged under the blades. An autopsy found Japan-born Handa had died of multiple injuries.
I was going to name my son "Lon" until I realized that would make his name "Lon Moore" and I thought better of it.

1 comment:

britishmonk said...

Lon Moore, ha ha!