HolyCoast: Dodd to Endorse Obama
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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dodd to Endorse Obama

Another superdelegate slips from Hillary's grasp:
ABC News' Sunlen Miller Reports: Senator Chris Dodd,D-Conn., will endorse Senator Barack Obama, D-Illi., today, according to a source within the Obama campaign.

Dodd is slated to appear jointly with Obama to make the formal announcement at a 9:30 am press availability in Cleveland, Ohio.

The former presidential candidate showed signs of a possible endorsement in Connecticut on Monday when he said, according to the Associated Press, “Eleven contests. My hope is that we’ll get closure on this pretty quickly,” but stopped short of an endorsement.

Dodd, who dropped out of the presidential race on January 3rd after the Iowa caucus , is a superdelegate who’s support will likely give Obama a boost going into the Ohio and Texas primaries, just one week away.

Dodd doesn't carry much weight, but the image of a former presidential candidate joining Obama won't help Hillary's chances next week.

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