HolyCoast: Florida 2000 Redux
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Monday, February 11, 2008

Florida 2000 Redux

Ted Olson was George W. Bush's chief lawyer during the fiasco of the 2000 Florida recount and the subsequent battles in the Florida and U.S. Supreme Courts. Mr. Olson is looking longingly at the possibility that another Florida court battle is soon to shape up, but this time involving only Democrats:

How ironic. For over seven years the Democratic Party has fulminated against the Electoral College system that gave George W. Bush the presidency over popular-vote winner Al Gore in 2000. But they have designed a Rube Goldberg nominating process that could easily produce a result much like the Electoral College result in 2000: a winner of the delegate count, and thus the nominee, over the candidate favored by a majority of the party's primary voters. ....

We all know full well what could happen next. The array of battle-tested Democratic lawyers who fought for recounts, changes in ballot counting procedures, and even re-votes in Florida courts and the U.S. Supreme Court in 2000 would separate into two camps. Half of them would be relying on the suddenly-respectable Supreme Court Bush v. Gore decision that overturned the Florida courts' post-hoc election rules changes. The other half would be preaching a new-found respect for "federalism" and demanding that the high court leave the Florida court decisions alone.

Would the U.S. Supreme Court even take the case after having been excoriated for years by liberals for daring to restore order in the Florida vote-counting in 2000? And, would Justices John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer, the dissenters in Bush v. Gore, feel as strongly about not intervening if Sen. Obama was fighting against an effort to change a presidential election by changing the rules after the fact? Will there be a brief filed by Floridians who didn't vote in their state's primary because the party had decided, and the candidates had agreed, that the results wouldn't count?

From Olson's column to God's ears. I remember the phone calls with my friends during the Florida recount and how our mood rose or fell based on the latest court ruling (or outrage). A battle over the Democrat delegates would be a non-stop high.

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