HolyCoast: Fox News projects Obama the winner in Wisconsin
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fox News projects Obama the winner in Wisconsin

Fox News projects Obama the winner in Wisconsin. I'm watching McCain's speech while waiting for my wife at the mall and he's clearly running against Obama. He even worked in the "pride in America" line, a direct shot at Obama.

UPDATE: Now that I'm home I can flesh this out a bit. The content of McCain's speech was good, but the delivery typically stilted and rough. McCain uses a teleprompter, and not that well. I couldn't help but think as I listened how great that speech would have been if given by Fred Thompson.

It looks like the Obama victory will be somewhere around 9 or 10%. Not a blowout by any means, but strong enough to keep a foot on Hillary's neck. Wisconsin is a state that she should have won, and as Karl Rove said, it's a state that looks a lot more like the states to come than the states that have already had their contests. That's bad news for the Clintons.

UPDATE 2: It's going to be a bigger victory for Obama than I originally thought. With 73% in he's leading 57% to 42%. Hillary's getting crushed.

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