HolyCoast: Obama the African Elder
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Monday, February 25, 2008

Obama the African Elder

Just how desperate are the Clinton folks getting? Read on (from Drudge):

With a week to go until the Texas and Ohio primaries, stressed Clinton staffers circulated a photo over the weekend of a "dressed" Barack Obama.

The photo, taken in 2006, shows the Democrat frontrunner fitted as a Somali Elder, during his visit to Wajir, a rural area in northeastern Kenya.

The senator was on a five-country tour of Africa.

"Wouldn't we be seeing this on the cover of every magazine if it were HRC?" questioned one campaign staffer, in an email obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT.

In December, the campaign asked one of its volunteer county coordinators in Iowa to step down after the person forwarded an e-mail falsely stating that Barack Obama is a Muslim.

Of course, it's quite common for politicians to dress up in local costumes during overseas trips. President Bush has done it any number of times as has just about every other traveling politician, including Hillary and Bill. It's a completely silly argument from the Clinton camp and pretty typical of the desperate claims they've brought forth lately.

UPDATE: Here are some other examples of politicians going native.

UPDATE 2: Obama campaign responds, and as you can guess, they're not happy.

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