HolyCoast: Show Notes
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Show Notes

In the post below you'll find the player with the 2-18-08 HolyCoast.com ON THE AIR BlogTalkRadio show. One note - just after 37 minutes into the show there was a technical hiccup that knocked the rest of the show off the air (they're still working out the bugs over there). Somehow my connection failed but the show switchboard that I use to control the show didn't show that so I went merrily on my way for another 15 minutes or so talking to myself. Don't be surprised when it suddenly ends after I say "what happens now if Obama wins?".

Let me finish the thought here. If Obama wins the nomination I think most Dem voters will end up backing Obama, as will a lot of independents and Republicans and he’ll beat McCain. In a battle between the bronze Adonis and the grumpy old white man, the bronze Adonis wins.

What if Hillary wins thanks to superdelegates after Obama wins the popular votes, pledged delegates and states won? Obama supporters will flock to the polls in droves to punish Hillary and the Democrats for stealing their election and John McCain wins.

And, there is one more fly in the ointment. Armstrong Williams (as reported on Rush's show) indicated that if Hillary wins this way Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City will give Obama up to a billion dollars to run as an independent with Bloomberg as his VP. That would effectively destroy the Dem party. You can buy a lot of campaign advertising with a billion dollars.

We all remember when the "hand grenade with the bad haircut", Ross Perot, ran in 1992, got 19% of the vote, and effectively gave the White House to Bill Clinton. Most of Perot's votes came from disaffected Republicans. If Obama runs as an independent along with Bloomberg, most of his support will come from disaffected Democrats. I think this scenerio is highly unlikely, but it sure would be interesting.

Sorry about the show glitch, but the first 37 minutes is pretty interesting and I hope you'll tune in.

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