HolyCoast: Spot the Idiots at the Oscars
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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Spot the Idiots at the Oscars

Here's a helpful hint on how you can spot the idiots at the Oscars - look for people wearing orange ribbons. While creating a blog for my wife's job we were watching the red carpet arrivals at the Kodak Theater for tonight's Oscar telecast (I couldn't care less but my wife wanted to see the ladies' dresses and we were both interested to see the location since we visited there just last Saturday).

Nominee Julie Christie arrived and was asked about her orange ribbon (others were also wearing it) and she informed us that it showed support for the ACLU's fight to close the Guantanamo Bay prison (Club Gitmo as it's known around here) where we keep all of our favorite terrorists. It apparently never occurred to the interviewer to ask her how many radical Islamists she would like shipped to her house and where the rest of them should go. They also didn't mention that the dress she was wearing would get her stoned to death in most of the host countries of our Club Gitmo guests.

I've now spotted my first idiot of the night.

UPDATE: First political joke of the night and it's a good one. Host Jon Stewart described Julie Christie's movie: "It's the story of a woman who forgets her own husband. Hillary Clinton calls it the feel-good movie of the year."

Second good political joke: "Tonight Oscar is 80 years old which automatically makes him the frontrunner for the Republican nomination."

Stewart also took a shot at the Iraq movies which have done so poorly at the boxoffice but have been nominated for Academy Awards. He had some good lines but nothing either side would find objectionable.

UPDATE 2: A tip of the hat to host Jon Stewart. I think he did a good job. The jokes were actually funny and the pacing pretty good. I skipped all the commercials and acceptance speeches so I can't comment on them, but most of the show went pretty well. Some of the actors could use a little help in reading. How hard is it to read a teleprompter - especially if you've rehearsed the material (hopefully) ahead of time. A few handled it well, but others sounded like rank amateurs - very awkward.

I was also glad to see that Michael Moore didn't win for his latest agitprop project "Sicko", and the many antiwar films that received nomination were completely shut out. The Oscar voters acted pretty much like the moviegoers did.

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