HolyCoast: Texas Shenanigans
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Friday, February 29, 2008

Texas Shenanigans

There are a couple of stories about the Texas primary/caucuses today, both of which spell trouble for Hillary Clinton.

In case you're not aware, Texas has a pretty weird process planned for Tuesday. During the day there will be a primary in which 2/3rds of the delegates will be assigned. Once the polls close there will be Dem caucuses in which the other 1/3rd of the delegates will be chosen. Both campaigns have concerns, but the Clinton camp is threatening a lawsuit:
The Texas Democratic Party warned that next Tuesday's election night caucuses "could be delayed or disrupted" after aides to Sen. Hillary Clinton "threatened to sue over the party's complicated delegate selection process," the Houston Chronicle reports.

"Democratic sources said both campaigns have made it clear that they might consider legal options over the complicated delegate selection process, which includes both a popular vote and evening caucuses. But the sources made it clear that the Clinton campaign in particular had warned of an impending lawsuit."
Texas is an open primary and many Republicans are planning to cross the aisle and vote for a Democrat, but probably not for the reason the media might think:
MSNBC looks at what may be the tipping point for Sen. Barack Obama in Texas: Republicans who say they’re going to cross over to vote for him in the Democratic primary.

"As many as a tenth of the Texans voting in the Democratic contests could be Republicans, and overwhelmingly they favor Obama."
The media tends to suggest that Republican support for Obama means that large numbers of GOP voters want him to be president, but in fact the crossover vote is more likely to be voters who don't want Hillary Clinton to be president and are doing their part to finish off her campaign.
Personally, I wish GOP voters would crossover and vote for Hillary because we need to keep her in the race as long as possible so the Dem party can continue its self-destruction. The ultimate outcome would be Hillary stealing the nomination and then being soundly rejected by the voters in November.

Ah, we can dream, but her campaign will probably be over after Tuesday.

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