HolyCoast: The Wimpifying of the Republican Party
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Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Wimpifying of the Republican Party

What is the matter with the Republican National Committee? Do they not want to win anymore? First we have John McCain blasting an Ohio talk show host for criticizing Barack Obama and *horrors!* using his middle name, and now we have the RNC blasting members of its own party in Tennessee because they too dared to use the name that must not be spoken:

(CNN) – Republican National Committee Chairman Mike Duncan formally denounced Thursday the Tennessee Republican Party's use of Barack Obama's full name in a recent press release questioning the Illinois senator's commitment to Israel.

“The RNC rejects these kinds of campaign tactics," RNC Chairman Mike Duncan said in a statement. "We believe this election needs to be about the critical issues confronting our nation.”

The statement in question, which was released Monday, said the state party is joining a "growing chorus of Americans concerned about the future of the nation of Israel…if Sen. Barack Hussein Obama is elected president of the United States.” It also included a photograph of Obama from a 2006 trip to Kenya in which he is dressed in traditional attire worn by area Muslims.

The press release was sparked by recent praise for the Illinois senator from Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan, who has made several derogatory remarks about Judaism and has indicated his support for Obama. At Tuesday night's MSNBC debate, Obama said he denounced those comments and did not seek Farrakhan's support.

Republicans didn't name him "Hussein". His mother named him "Hussein". If that name creates certain images in people's minds, it's not our fault. That's his name, for crying out loud!

If the RNC is going to insist on walking on eggshells when it comes to Democrats, they will get killed in November and will deserve every bit of it. It's no wonder donations are in the tank - I wouldn't give them a dime now if they promised me a White House office. And, from this point on, I'm using his full name: Barack Hussein Obama, and I'm daring the RNC and John McCain to denounce me. Bring it on.

Oh, and just to make it fair, I'll start referring to McCain as John Sidney McCain.

Meanwhile, while the Republicans are tip-toeing around the Democrats lest they offend somebody and make the press made, DNC Chairman Howard Dean is implying that Republicans are racists:
Howard Dean showed up to talk about Black History Month but the focus quickly changed to politics Tuesday night in ICC Auditorium.

The Chairman of the Democratic National Committee and former Governor of Vermont contrasted the two parties’ presidential candidates, saying that with a woman and an African-American as the two front-runners, the Democratic field “looks like America,” while the all-white male Republican field “looks like the 1950s and talks like the 1850s.”
Don't the Republicans realize that the other side is not going to play nice, no matter what we do? It's almost a reverse of how the Democrats treat terrorists. Democrats think if they talk nice to the world's dictators and terrorist-loving regimes they'll treat us the same way. It's naive and dangerous.

The GOP needs to figure that out before they descend into total wimpdom.

UPDATE: People are falling all over themselves to apologize to Barack Hussein Obama. Apparently, only he can offer salvation for your political sins.

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