HolyCoast: Another Campaign Advisor Drops By the Wayside
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Friday, March 14, 2008

Another Campaign Advisor Drops By the Wayside

Campaign advisors for both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are dropping like ducks in a shooting gallery:
A prominent gay adviser to the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama resigned Tuesday after reports surfaced that he wrote a blistering denunciation of rival presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton that brought up President Bill Clinton’s extra-marital affair with a White House intern.

Maxim Thorne, a member of the Obama campaign’s GLBT Leadership Council and former chief operating officer at the Human Rights Campaign, wrote that Hillary Clinton should disclose her whereabouts “when Monica was having sex with Bill.” Thorne penned his message in a lengthy e-mail to a listserv with hundreds of recipients, according to a report in Politico.

“[W]hen Bin Laden was building Al Qaeda, Bill and she were fighting impeachment, fighting Paula Jones, fighting Katherine Wiley,” Thorne wrote, in a reference to two women who claimed to have had affairs with President Clinton.

Thorne’s resignation from the Obama GLBT Leadership Council came after Obama campaign spokesperson Tommy Vietor issued a statement saying, “These comments have no place in this campaign.”

And yet the Rev. Jeremiah Wright continues as an Obama advisor. The statements Thorne made wouldn't even make one of Wright's "greatest hits" tapes.

UPDATE: Obama responds and Rev. Wright quits the campaign.

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