HolyCoast: Antiwar Group Promises Violence in Denver
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Friday, March 21, 2008

Antiwar Group Promises Violence in Denver

The Re-create 68 bunch that I posted about awhile ago has not their knickers in a knot after losing a lottery for a permit at the Civic Center in Denver on the first day of the Democratic Convention. They're making threats:
Denver could face a “dangerous situation” on the first day of the Democratic National Convention, war protesters said Thursday, after losing a coveted permit for Civic Center to the convention host committee.

“When things blow up because the police have to enforce a permit that the Democrats got, don’t blame us for that,” said Glenn Spagnuolo, an organizer for the Re-create 68 Alliance.

“Blame the Democrats for trying to silence dissent in the city of Denver.”

The lottery for permits to protest, pray or hold other events in city parks during the DNC Aug. 24 through 28 resumed Thursday after the city bungled the drawing Tuesday by accidentally leaving out some of the applicants’ names.

The do-over went smoothly.

But when Jenny Anderson, event planner for the Denver 2008 Convention Host Committee, won the permit for Civic Center for a kick-off Aug. 24, Spagnuolo accused the committee of creating a “very serious, dangerous situation . . . for everybody.”

Re-create 68 - which has promised demonstrations that will rival those at the bloody 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago - will be at Civic Center on Aug. 24, with or without a permit, he said.

This riot brought to you by the Democratic Party.

This year was supposed to be a sure thing for the Demcrats. Their candidate would win big in November and they would sweep the Republicans before them in a tidal wave of ticked-off voters.

Maybe not. There's nothing like a riot involving part of the Dem party's base to make voters take another look at McCain and the GOP. Boy, I wish I had a press pass to Denver...

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