HolyCoast: Chinese Olympic Dangers
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Chinese Olympic Dangers

If the smog in Beijing doesn't kill you, the substandard tourist housing just might:
Are you thinking about going to China for the Olympics? Well consider this warning from the State Department that — "all hotel rooms and offices are considered to be subject to on-site or remote technical monitoring at all times. Hotel rooms, residences and offices may be accessed at any time without the occupant's consent or knowledge."

The warning said Chinese hotels and apartment buildings may be poorly built, lack emergency exits, fire extinguishers, carbon monoxide monitors, and basic security locks, alarms and personnel.

You could have a lot of fun with the bugs in the room - spreading all kinds of wacky rumors that would have the Chinese chasing their tails. Get enough people repeating the same story and the Chicoms would go nuts.

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