HolyCoast: Clinton Campaign Piles on the Pastor Disaster
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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Clinton Campaign Piles on the Pastor Disaster

First Hillary Clinton took a shot at Obama's pastor, and now a Clinton aide is comparing him to David Duke:
The Wright Stuff is coming fast and furious from Hillary and her supporters.

First Hillary criticized Obama today for not sufficiently distancing himself from the controversial pastor.

I've now learned that a member of Hillary's finance committee and a longtime ally of the Clintons has made some very explicit statements about Barack Obama's ties to his controversial minister, Jeremiah Wright, saying that it's "legitimate" to raise questions about those ties, comparing Wright to David Duke, and claiming that Obama has "used race where it suited him."

The finance committee member, Niall O'Dowd, made the comments on Saturday in an unnoticed interview with RTE Radio in Ireland. The Wright issue has been raised by Hillary surrogates Lanny Davis and Joe Wilson, making O'Dowd the third Hillaryite (or fourth, if you include Hillary herself) to hit Obama over Wright.
The Clintons must really be worried about the Bosnia Fairy Tale story.

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