HolyCoast: Ding, Dong, The Witch Ain't Dead
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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Ding, Dong, The Witch Ain't Dead

The title was inspired by this comment at The Corner:
Clinton has started out her speech by identifying with everyone who has been counted out, knocked down, trampled upon, etc. — "This one's for you." A straight gender-vote play.

Somehow I doubt that I'll get my wish tonight, by the way: I want to hear her say, "And your little dog, too!"
Although Hillary had a big night, but even if she wins all 16 remaining contests she still could end up with fewer delegates than Obama:
Hillary Clinton may be poised for a big night tonight, with wins in Ohio, Texas and Rhode Island. Clinton aides say this will be the beginning of her comeback against Barack Obama. There's only one problem with this analysis: they can't count.

I'm no good at math either, but with the help of
Slate’s Delegate Calculator I've scoped out the rest of the primaries, and even if you assume huge Hillary wins from here on out, the numbers don't look good for Clinton. In order to show how deep a hole she's in, I've given her the benefit of the doubt every week for the rest of the primaries.
Read the rest of the analysis here. You might want to take another look at this article on the coming brokered convention.

By the way, the media has been all too willing to write off talk radio because John McCain won despite opposition from hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. Of course, independents and Democrats who don't listen to a lot of conservative talk radio played a big role in McCain's win.

So, if talk radio is dead, how do you explain all the Republicans who turned out in Texas to vote for Hillary Clinton and help keep her campaign alive...at the urging of Rush? And she didn't even thank him in her speech.

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