Limbaugh, who laughed at the caller's comments, later apologized explaining he didn't know anything about Curious George.Rush didn't really need to apologize, but by doing he poked more fun at John McCain than he did at Obama. After McCain roughed up the Ohio talk show host who dared mention "he who must not be middle-named", I guess Rush decided to play along with tongue firmly in cheek.
"I've got to do something here to open this hour of today's excursion into broadcast excellence. I need to apologize to both Sen. Obama and to Sen. McCain, " said Limbaugh. "I had never heard of Curious George. Only now have staffers sent me little pictures of Curious George," he continued.
"So I wish to apologize to both Sen. Obama and Sen. McCain. It was not my intent to bring dishonor and guttural utterances into this campaign. It happened. I laughed about it. It was a 12 year old kid's reaction to Obama, it was told by his mother. I was laughing because I was being polite, but I had never heard of Curious George."
In familiar Limbaugh fashion, he tried to find humor in the matter. "We have fired the caller Tammy. We're not going to put up with this. We’re not going to tolerate this kind of stuff on this program...."
He continued, "Well, Why aren't you apologizing to Hillary? Well, she's probably happy it happened." Not missing a beat, Limbaugh quickly said, "Well, I guess I better apologize for saying that."
The very fact that this issue made ABC's political website tells you how carefully everyone has to walk to avoid any comments that could be even remotely considered racist or bigoted. The folks who are perpetually offended will undoubtedly take offense that this subject came up on conservative radio (even though the host didn't start it).
As far as the caller's comparison goes, I don't see it.

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