HolyCoast: Hillary Won't Quit Anytime Soon
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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Hillary Won't Quit Anytime Soon

If anyone thinks Hillary will be leaving the race this week should she have a bad night in Texas and Ohio, think again:
Desperate Hillary Clinton will stay in the White House race even if she loses tomorrow's pivotal primaries in Texas and Ohio, top aides claimed today.

The former First Lady had staked her political future on wins – with even her husband, former President Bill Clinton, saying she would drop out if she lost the make-or-break contests.

But, as rival Barack Obama closed in on Mrs Clinton's once formidable leads in the two states, her spin machine has changed their tune and insisted she would not give up.

Her chief strategist, Mark Penn, said: "There are 16 remaining contests after Tuesday.

"There's nothing wrong with letting the people in the remaining jurisdictions have their say."

And Mrs Clinton's communications director Howard Wolfson, insised "onus" was on Obama to win Texas and Ohio as well as the tiny states of Vermont and Rhode Island which are also holding primaries.

I think she'll hang in there as long as there's any hope of putting together a combination of delegates that will allow her to win. She certainly won't go quietly.

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