HolyCoast: Israel Needs to Take Out Hamas Once and For All
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Friday, March 07, 2008

Israel Needs to Take Out Hamas Once and For All

Yesterday's attack in Jerusalem points out the futility of trying to negotiate peace with people incapable of human behavior:
JERUSALEM — Hamas Islamists have claimed responsibility for a Jerusalem shooting attack at a Jewish religious school that killed eight people, Reuters reports.

Hamas militants cheered over the deadly shooting as thousands of Palestinians took to the streets of Gaza to celebrate Thursday amid recent armed conflicts in the Hamas-controlled strip.

Earlier, a gunman entered the library of a rabbinical seminary and opened fire on a crowded nighttime study session Thursday, killing eight people and wounding nine before he was slain, police and rescue workers said. It was the first major militant attack in Jerusalem in more than four years.

Previous reports said there were two gunmen and quoted a death toll of at least 10.

"This heroic attack in Jerusalem is a normal response to the crimes of the occupier and its murder of civilians," Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said.

Hamas stopped just short of claiming responsibility for the Jerusalem shootings. "We bless the operation. It will not be the last," Hamas said in a statement sent to reporters by text message.
I'm waiting for the presidential candidate who comes out and says "Peace is impossible between the Israelis and the Palestinians and we're going to quite wasting our time in useless negotiations". That person gets my vote.

The problem is and has always been that each side has a very different definition of what "peace" means. To the Israelis, peace means living securely within its own borders free of threats from its neighbors. To the Palestinians peace means eliminating the nation of Israel, seizing all the land, and driving the Jews into the sea. Needless to say, the Israelis and Palestinians have conflicting objectives.

Let's quit kidding ourselves with these silly peace plans and help the Israelis clean out the terrorists from within their midst. Hamas et al is a threat to all of us.

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