HolyCoast: Maybe Prince Harry Will Open Up Some British Eyes
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Saturday, March 01, 2008

Maybe Prince Harry Will Open Up Some British Eyes

Britain has been in trouble for a long time with a rising population of radical Muslims who wish to overturn British law in favor of Sharia law and turn the country into another Saudi Arabia where religious "police" stalk the streets beating anyone who dare violate their crazy religious ordinances. With the revelation this week that Prince Harry, third in line to the throne, was off in Afghanistan fighting the radical Islamic Taliban soldiers, the ongoing argument over what kind of country Britain will be just got a lot hotter. He's now become a target, not of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, but of radical Islamists in his own country:
Muslim fanatics labelled Prince Harry a target for assassins last night after his heroics against the Taliban.

Harry’s perilous Army mission in Afghanistan was dismissed by British extremists as a mere publicity stunt.

But they also claimed that by participating in an “illegal war”, the brave young Prince had made himself fair game for a terrorist attack.

Tory MPs last night condemned the outpourings by three influential Islamic radicals as “highly irresponsible”. Andrew Rosindell, who represents Romford in Essex, said: “This is an appalling thing for them to say.”

Yesterday’s outbursts came as Harry was on his way home amid fears for his safety after details of his exploits in Helmand province emerged.

Anjem Choudary, former leader of British-based radicals Al Muhajiroun, said: “He will be seen as part of the enemy and so he is a target. This is an illegal war and it should be seen in that light, and for Harry to participate has absolutely no justification. Those who want to carry out operations over here will target Harry. He is a natural target for someone that way inclined.”

Choudary, right-hand man to hate preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed, added: “There have been many wiser and braver men who have decided not to participate and who have objected.

Bakri himself said: “He is just doing it for publicity – for him he has been on a picnic. I do not believe he is there to engage or fight.

“He is there for publicity for himself and for the Royal Family. I do not think he is a threat to Al Qaeda or the Taliban.” Bakri, 49, who now lives in Lebanon after being barred from Britain, accused the Government of being “irresponsible”.

He said: “They say they have an integrated society and then they are involving themselves in a war which is unjust.

“Harry should now come out and tell everyone what he saw and what he has experienced.

“He should tell the Muslim community what he thinks and if he would go out again. He should condemn the persecution taking place and call for troops to withdraw.”

Earlier, Inayat Bunglawala, assistant secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said Harry would be a target if he stayed in Afghanistan.

“I am sure many Afghans opposed to the British presence will see him as a high-value target,” he said. Harry is expected to be back on British soil today. But he has been warned to stay away from his favourite London nightclubs for fear of presenting an easy target for the terrorists.
This could be a valuable wake-up call for the British people, and perhaps instead of coddling and tolerance, they'll realize that their efforts to please and not offend the radicals just cause more radicalism and more demands for the Islamization of Britain. Hopefully, no harm will come to Harry, though the British security around the Royals has never been all that stringent.

In an aside, it's been interesting to watch the condemnation of Drudge (who exposed the info about the Prince) by various media sources, none of whom I can remember similarly condemning the NY Times as they released secret after secret harming our government's fight against radical terrorists. It's not hard to see whose side their on.

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