HolyCoast: Obama's Biggest Enemy - Time
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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Obama's Biggest Enemy - Time

It's pretty clear that emotion and not necessarily rational thinking has been the driving force behind Obamamania. The huge crowds, the fainting ladies, the tears, the deep sighs, the "YES WE CANs!!" - all good TV but not much evidence of critical thinking. The enemy of emotion is time, and now Obama has a lot of time on his hands since it will be several weeks before the next big primary and eight months before the general election.

Relationships build on emotional appeal cannot last. At some point there has to be rational reasons for continuing the relationship. We've seen in the last few days what happens when Obama is challenged on his policies and plans and the result isn't pretty.

After months of fawning coverage, the press has finally decided (at the prompting of the Clinton campaign) to start asking some tough questions and challenging Obama on his past relationships and questionable statements. The confrontation sent him packing from a press conference after only eight questions. He's not used to criticism from the press and he clearly doesn't like it. There's nothing like negative facts to provide the campaign a real buzzkill.

His losses in three of four contests yesterday, including two more "big" states, certainly will deflate some of that raw emotion that's been carrying him along. Even though he still is the leader, the press story will be all about Clinton and her comeback. Seeing how well the negative ads worked in the past week, Obama had better be ready for a whole series of them as they head into Pennsylvania where Clinton should be the favorite. Yes she will.

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