HolyCoast: Three Divergent Views on the Dem Primary Battle
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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Three Divergent Views on the Dem Primary Battle

Let's see, the fighting is good, the fighting is bad, and the fighting is so bad only Al Gore can save us. Those are the three views expressed in different articles at RealClearPolitics.com:

Fight Makes Democrats Stronger - Ellen Goodman, Boston Globe

Blood-Letting Could Damage Party - Jurek Martin, Financial Times

Only Gore Can Stop a Meltdown - Charles Hurt, New York Post

That's one confused party.

And how about these items regarding the delegate math:

Obama, Not Clinton, Faces Tough Math - Marie Cocco, RealClearPolitics

Big Wins? The Delegate Calculus Got Worse - Jonathan Alter, Newsweek

Clinton Resurrection May Mean Chaos - Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times

Nobody really knows anything, do they?

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