HolyCoast: Times Square Bomber Sends Fan Mail to Democrats
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Friday, March 07, 2008

Times Square Bomber Sends Fan Mail to Democrats

A note and manifesto showed up on Capitol Hill after the Times Square bombing:

A number of House members were mailed a letter and photo of a Times Square recruiting station in Manhattan before it was bombed on Thursday morning, according to House insiders and law-enforcement officials.

Initial information from Capitol Hill sources suggested the letters were sent only to eight House Democrats from the New York City area, but a senior House aide said many more members than that total could have received the missives. One source desribed the letter as a "20-page rambling rant," and the AP reported the envelopes included a "holiday greeting card" with the message "Happy New Year, We Did It" on the cards.

As commenter Narniaman pointed out in a previous post, these people are not antiwar because they clearly don't mind using violence to promote their views. They're pro-war, but just when the war is against the U.S.

UPDATE: Officials now suggest that the letters were not connected to the bombing but were sent by some antiwar bozo in Los Angeles:
NEW YORK (CBS) ― The FBI and the NYPD are sifting through a mountain of clues, trying to determine who is responsible for Thursday's Times Square bombing.

Those clues included letters to Congress that looked like they claimed responsibility, but turned out to be "an incredibly unbelievable coincidence" according to a law enforcement official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Law enforcement officials say there is no connection between a letter to dozens of Congress members bearing the words "We did it" and the bombing of the Army recruiting station in New York.

Law officers have questioned the letter writer in the Los Angeles area and don't expect to bring any charges against him, three law enforcement officials told The Associated Press. The writer is an anti-war activist who sent as many as 100 letters—including a photograph of a man standing in front of the Times Square office—to Congress members.
Some people have too much time on their hands.

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