HolyCoast: Ben Stein's Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ben Stein's Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

UPDATE: My review of the movie can be found here.

A controversial new movie is coming out this weekend - Ben Stein's Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, which deals with the issue of the teaching of evolution to the exclusion of everything else in our public schools. It's got the liberal establishment, and especially the atheists all riled up. Here are some one-liner reviews:


"I recommend EXPELLED enthusiastically!"
- James C. Dobson, Ph.D., Chairman of the Board, Focus on the Family

"Four stars!" - Ted Baehr, Editor, MovieGuide

"A powerful and riveting film… every open-minded person will love it."
- Rev. Donald E. Wildmon, Founder & Chairman of American Family Association

"EXPELLED is an enormously important project."
- Michael Medved, national radio host

"We highly recommend EXPELLED to anybody."
- Ken Smitherman, President, Association of Christian Schools International

"SEE THIS FILM, bring your friends and bring your church."
- Lee Strobel, Author, Case for a Creator

"See EXPELLED and you'll understand why they want to censor those who question their dogmas." - Dr. Richard Land, Southern Baptist Convention

"Those who are suppressing belief in God and trying to make materialism the law of the land should beware. Ben Stein is on a mission to stop the suppression, and millions of Americans are behind him."
- Pat Robertson, Host, 700 Club

"In EXPELLED, Ben Stein shows us what happens when academic freedom takes a day off. We should all be listening."
- Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus

"EXPELLED is both an eye-opening documentary and riotous entertainment." - Joseph Farah, CEO, WorldNetDaily.com

"This movie may trigger a cultural revolution."
- Dennis Wagner, Executive Director, Access Research Network

"EXPELLED could easily be one of the most important movies of the year."
- Denny Rydberg, President, Young Life

"EXPELLED is earthshaking. I was absolutely blown away. Everyone in America, even skeptics of Intelligent Design, must see this film."
- J. Matt Barber, Director for Cultural Issues, Concerned Women for America

"A cultural earthquake... Everyone I talked to after the screening used words like 'fabulous' and 'incredible'." - Dr. Tom Woodward, Director, C.S. Lewis Society

"A solid case for giving the theory of Intelligent Design a respected place in the classroom alongside Darwin's theory of Evolution."
- Dick Rolfe, Co-Founder and CEO, The Dove Foundation

I'm going to try and get out to see it as soon as I can. I like Ben Stein, and I posted a previous item by Stein on why he thinks Darwinism's day is done. It's good reading in advance of seeing the movie.

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