HolyCoast: Clinton Campaign Tries to Use Rev. Wright Against Obama
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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Clinton Campaign Tries to Use Rev. Wright Against Obama

Hillary can either win by getting more delegate votes, or by destroying Obama's reputation so thoroughly that even the superdelegates will have to turn to Clinton. She has Harold Ickes out spreading the gospel of Rev. Jeremiah Wright among the undecided supers:

“Look what the Republicans did to a genuine war hero,” Ickes said, in a reference to John Kerry.

“Super delegates have to take into account the strengths and weakness of both candidates and decide who would make the strongest candidate against what will undoubtedly be ferocious Republican attacks,” Ickes continued. “I’ve had super delegates tell me that the Wright issue is a real issue for them.”

In a reference to Wright’s controversial views, Ickes continued: “Nobody thinks that Barack Obama harbors those thoughts. But that’s not the issue. The issue is what Republicans [will do with them]…I think they’re going to give him a very tough time.”

Asked whether he was specifically bringing up Wright to super-delegates, Ickes said: “I’ve said what I’ve said…I tell people that they need to look at what they think Republicans may use against him. Wright comes up in the conversations.”

It's hard to believe the supers aren't already fully aware of this story. However, they are Democrats and may be a little dense.

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