HolyCoast: A Couple of Stories That Caught My Eye
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Sunday, April 06, 2008

A Couple of Stories That Caught My Eye

I spent zero time surfing the internet since Thursday night so I'm a little out-of-touch, but there were a couple of stories that caught my eye on the news:

One killed in crash of school band bus - Having sent my kids on many a school band trip, these stories always bring a chill to my bones. My heart goes out to the parents who sent their kids off as we have so many times fully expecting them to come home safe.

Charlton Heston Dies - Heston was a great actor of an era that doesn't seem to exist anymore, as well as a passionate advocate for conservative principles, especially gun rights. He'll be missed by people in many fields.

McCain Calls for Respectful Campaign - Good luck with that.

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