HolyCoast: Democrats Having Their Doubts About Obama
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Democrats Having Their Doubts About Obama

Here are some more numbers to make the superdelegates nervous:
Nearly half of Democrats (48 percent) think Hillary Clinton has a better chance of beating John McCain in November — 10 percentage points higher than the 38 percent who think Barack Obama can win, according to a FOX News poll released Wednesday. This represents a significant shift from March, when Democrats said Obama was the candidate more likely to beat McCain....

The ongoing controversy over Obama’s former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, appears to have damaged how Americans view Obama. His favorable rating is now 47 percent, down 7 percentage points since February when 54 percent had a positive view of him. As may be expected, his unfavorable rating went up from 33 percent to 42 percent today.
Obama has clearly lost the glow he had earlier in his campaign when voters were literally fainting at his feet. You'll notice that nothing like that has happened for quite awhile now.

I personally agree with the Dems that were polled. I used to think that Obama was unbeatable against McCain, but not anymore. I think Hillary would be a far more dangerous candidate. She'll do anything to win and there's not that much more baggage about her that can be released.

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