HolyCoast: "Each and Every Human Life" Constitutes Objectionable Language to the Dems
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Thursday, April 17, 2008

"Each and Every Human Life" Constitutes Objectionable Language to the Dems

Just how deep does the abortion industry have their claws in the Democrat Party? Look at what the House had to do just to pass a simple resolution honoring the Pope:

While Pope Benedict XVI's historic visit to Washington received wall to wall coverage, Sen. Barbara Boxer briefly held up a Senate resolution welcoming the pontiff because she objected to language about how the pope values "each and every human life."

The measure later cleared the Senate Thursday afternoon after the sponsor of the resolution, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.), dropped the reference to "human life" because some Democrats saw it as a reference to abortion. According to Republican aides, Brownback, a devout Catholic, did not want a high profile fight over the resolution, which was adopted on a voice vote. In fact, Brownback blackberried his staff from the Pope's mass at Nationals Park to direct them to drop the references to human life.

A copy of the original resolution can be found here. The new resolution, with the human life language and references to religious expression in public buildings removed, is here.

"There was some politics involved here, and the objectionable language has been withdrawn," a senior Democratic Senate aide said.

Amazing. Brownback didn't want a fight, but he should have gone for one anyway. This is a battle that would have been worth fighting.

UPDATE: Here's the exact language that was removed:
"that neither attempts to strip our public spaces of religious expression nor denies the ultimate source of our rights and liberties"


"Whereas Pope Benedict XVI has spoken out for the weak and vulnerable, witnessing to the value of each and every human life"
This is what San Fran Nan and the Dems get upset about.

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