HolyCoast: It's Cool...but It's Also Warm!
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Monday, April 07, 2008

It's Cool...but It's Also Warm!

Well, is it going to be cool or warm in 2008? I don't think anybody really knows:
The world will experience global cooling this year, according a leading climate scientist.

The head of the World Meteorological Organisation said La Nina - the weather phenomenon which is cooling the Pacific - is likely to trigger a small drop in average global temperatures compared with last year.

The prediction - which follows a bitterly cold winter in China and the Arctic - is prompting some sceptics to question the theory of climate change.

The news that the earth appears to be cooling would seem to contradict most experts who say that global warming is melting ice at the Poles

However, the World Meteorological Organisation insists that this year's cooling has nothing to do with global climate change.

In fact, this year's temperatures could still be way above the average - and it is possible that 2008 will exceed the record year of 1998 because of global warming induced by greenhouse gases.

And it's possible that global warming ended in 1998.

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