HolyCoast: Jimmuh Carter-Loving Hamas Endorses Barack Obama
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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jimmuh Carter-Loving Hamas Endorses Barack Obama

This is an endorsement he'd probably rather not have:
During an interview on WABC radio Sunday, top Hamas political adviser Ahmed Yousef said the terrorist group supports Obama’s foreign policy vision.

“We don’t mind–actually we like Mr. Obama. We hope he will (win) the election and I do believe he is like John Kennedy, great man with great principle, and he has a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community but not with domination and arrogance,” Yousef said in response to a question about the group’s willingness to meet with either of the Democratic presidential candidates.

I guess he really is a uniter if he can get American-killing terrorists to endorse him.

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