HolyCoast: So, What Happens with Obama Now?
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

So, What Happens with Obama Now?

I'm not sure anybody knows. Just look at these headlines from RealClearPolitics:

What Took So Long for Obama to React? - Peter Canellos, Boston Globe

Breaking with Wright is an Opportunity for Obama - Dick Morris, The Hill

The Danger for Obama Isn't Over - Byron York, National Review Online

The Problem is Not Jeremiah Wright - John Nichols, The Nation

Obama's Chickens Come Home to Roost - Robert Tracinski, TIA Daily

This headline, however, should give Obama a little boost of confidence:
Race Divide Means Supers Can't Pick Clinton - Gabor Steingart, Der Spiegel
Race may well be the deciding factor, even over electibility. The Dem superdelegates may be petrified about what will happen should they reject Obama, and may have to choose him even though he's less likely to win. I'm sure many of them will look at Hillary as the frontrunner for 2012 if Obama loses, so they figure it's better to take the chance on Obama now and now risk losing all the special interest groups that might abandon the party should they make Hillary the nominee.

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