HolyCoast: "Bring Out Your Nuts!"
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Thursday, May 01, 2008

"Bring Out Your Nuts!"

Just like the collectors of the plague victims in Monty Python's Holy Grail, you could in the same manner walk through Los Angeles today calling out "Bring out your nuts! Bring out your nuts!", because today is the day they'll all be on display. It's "Hug an Illegal Alien" day in L.A. as various groups will be gathering to demand amnesty and taxpayer's dollars. We'll also see the usual collection of anarchists and communists for whom May 1st is almost a religious holiday (if they had a God).

Last year the amnesty protests turned into a police riot, so the media reports this week have been all about whether the police will be able to control themselves, and not about the ridiculous notion that thousands of illegal aliens will be marching in plain view through downtown Los Angeles and nobody will do anything about it. In fact, the local political leaders have far more sympathy for the marchers than the taxpayers who are footing the bill for the benefits these people are getting.

California House Speaker Fabian Nunez (from L.A.) was at a press event the other day promoting a bill (which has been vetoed twice) that would give college financial aid to illegal aliens - this being offered at a time when school districts all over the state are laying off teachers and cancelling important programs due to a lack of funding. Nunez insists there's plenty of money in the financial aid program to pay to send illegals to state colleges. How about moving that money to the schools so that children of taxpayers can keep their music, special ed and other important programs?

It's just a matter of time before California becomes a de facto state of Mexico with more connections to Mexico City than Washington D.C. I hope I'm out of here by the time they declare Spanish the state language.

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