HolyCoast: Bush Finally Puts the Blame Where it Belongs
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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Bush Finally Puts the Blame Where it Belongs

Following President Bush's meeting with the Saudi leader the other day a wise pundit had this to say:

Bush has an opportunity to make some major political points out of this, but probably won't do it, especially after the hysterial reaction of the Dems to his Knesset speech. However, if he doesn't he will have missed a terrific opportunity to stick it to the Dems on an issue critical to the American public.

At a press event the president should say something like this: "Friends, I've had to come here to Saudi Arabia to ask for increased oil production because Democrat politicians in our own Congress will not allow America to go and drill for oil in our own waters and on our own land. We are at the mercy of foreign nations because of these foolish restrictions. The Democrats claim they want us to be energy independent, but tie our hands in order to make that goal an impossibility. You can expect more of the same, only with even higher prices, if the Democrats continue to control access to America's energy resources."

The Dems would be apoplectic and could only sputter platitudes and nonsense slogans which the American public would see through in a second. Bush could really set them back on their heels.

Maybe somebody at the White House read that prescient post:

US President George W. Bush said on Saturday that a hike in oil output by Saudi Arabia would not solve American energy problems.

"It's not enough, it's something but it doesn't solve our problem," Bush told reporters in Egypt's Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.

Bush said he was "pleased" with a Saudi decision taken on May 10 to increase its oil production by 300,000 barrels per day in response to customers, but said that he was "also realistic" about what the Americans should do.

"Our problem in America gets solved when we aggressively go for domestic exploration. Our problem in America gets solved if we expand our refining capacity, promote nuclear energy and continue our strategy for the advancing of alternative energies as well as conservation," he said.

"One interesting thing about American politics these days is those who are screaming the loudest for increased production from Saudi Arabia are the very same people who are fighting the fiercest against domestic exploration, against the development of nuclear power and against expanding refining capacity."

EXACTLY! The Dems are very vulnerable on this issue and Bush, McCain and every other GOP leader with any sense needs to hammer this truth at every opportunity.

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