HolyCoast: Dems May Want to Rethink Going on Fox News
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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Dems May Want to Rethink Going on Fox News

Hillary and Obama made recent appearances on Fox News and did fairly well, but Howard the Donkey got a beating from Chris Wallace this morning over the McCain "100 years" ad:
Chris Wallace: "Governor, why are you distorting what McCain actually said?"

DNC Chairman Howard Dean: "Well I'm not. I actually have what he actually said and if the Republican National Committee would like to pay for the whole six minutes I would be happy to do it. I've said publically that John McCain said that he wants to keep troops in Iraq for up to 100 years. He himself said that some of that could be occupation like South Korea or Germany. But, the fact of the matter is that first that anyone who thinks that we can keep our troops in Iraq for 100 years without them being victimized by roadside bombs, suicide bombers and militias I think is wrong and needs to look carefully at their judgement. Secondly, Americans don't want their troops in Iraq for 100 years no matter what they're doing over there. We can't afford that we need the money over here."

Chris Wallace: Governor, lets take a look at what John McCain actually said, it won't take six minutes.

John McCain: ...We've been in Japan for 60 years. We've been in South Korea for 50 years. That's fine with me as long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed.

Chris Wallace: Governor, you not only left out the part as you said where you left out the part on where he talked about Americans keeping the peace very much as we have for a half century in Japan and North Korea, you also took the part where he said that would be fine with me but then you clipped out the very next words he said which were, "As long Americans aren't being hurt or killed." The non-partisan group FactCheck.org said, "What the DNC ad conveys is the opposite of what McCain said."

Chris Wallace: ...I'm just saying when he (McCain) says that "that would be fine with me" and then you clip out the next words which are "as long as Americans aren't getting hurt" and an independent group says you've completely distorted what he said. You've got no problems with that?

DNC Chairman Howard Dean: Our problem is that John McCain is distorter.. er, distorting... what he said.
At least Howard keeps his record intact as the most inept DNC chairman ever.

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